I'm so in love with this age, even with the stubbornness and the tantrums. She is seriously the funniest kid I've ever known, she keeps me laughing constantly. I get asked on a weekly basis "is it time for #2 yet?" and not much has changed since the last time I addressed this question. I'm still completely undecided on whether or not there will be a #2. Peyton is a total firecracker with a temper to match. She goes from 0 to 200 in a split second and it can be exhausting...but it's also one of the things I love about her. She's feisty and she can handle herself!
Edwin and I both took the day off on Friday to take Peyton out for the day. We went to a really neat "farm" called Three Bears Acres and it was blast!! She loved every second. Thankfully a friend of mine had been a few weeks before and had some helpful hits for me so we could really enjoy our time (i.e. start with the attractions to the left b/c everyone else goes to the right, bring a change of clothes, etc...). Here are some pics from our day...
After leaving Three Bears Acres, we went home for a much needed nap and then got one of our gifts for Peyton ready. When she woke up, we gave her this...
She was so excited about her new "big girl" princess bike and helmet! She jumped right on it with no problems.
Saturday was her birthday party. We do the same thing every year....we invite family and a few friends and have it outside. It has been hot every year, with the exception of this year. This bipolar weather is making the sick! So I made a last minute call to move the party inside when I woke up Saturday morning and I'm glad I did! It was cold and soooo windy, but it was actually easier to decorate with the party inside.
We did an owl theme and I thought it turned out really cute. Unfortunately my dear husband left our sim card at work so I couldn't use our nice camera and had to use my iPhone. My family all had their cameras though so I'll get copies of pics from them. The party turned out great, we had the perfect amount of people...nothing too overwhelming or stressful.

After her nap (and a nice, cranky tantrum when she woke up) we had one last surprise for our princess...
She LOVES it!!!!
I'm bummed her birthday weekend is almost over, but that means one thing...our week long vacation to Ocracoke with our best friends is only 3 weeks away. This weather better get itself figured out with a quickness!!!