Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bathroom Overhaul

When we moved in to our house a year and a half ago, we were head over heels in love with it...minus one thing.

I don't think it's hard to see what the issue is.  This wallpaper had to go!  We decided not to rush it and just deal with it when we could.  Finally the day came and I couldn't take it anymore.  I had updated Peyton's big girl room and really wanted her bathroom to be updated as well. 

It took us about 2 weeks to get it all finished because of the hubby's schedule and the fact we had to work during naps and after Peyton went to bed, but we FINALLY got it done.  Edwin took the bulk of the paper down and I helped when I could.  He did all the patching and sanding then I primed and painted it when he was working one night. 

This is the only picture I have, but you can see the majority of the room. This is before we got the vanity mirror hung back up, but needless to say I love it!!!

 We decided to go with the same owl theme Peyton has in her big girl room.  When she woke up and saw her bathroom she was so excited, it was really cute.  I don't cringe when I walk in her bathroom anymore, so I'm one happy girl!

Trying to Be Better!

Sigh, I've slacked yet again!  I can't even remember what all we've been up to over the past month honestly. 

We did get to go to the beach with my family for a few days at the end of July, which was awesome.  Peyton is such a beach bum and we jump at any trip to the beach we can.  She spent her time jumping the waves, digging (and I mean doing some serious digging) and walking more than any person should walk on the beach!

Let's see...we did finally get a new car for me, yay!  We kept our SUV but it was way past time we got a commuter car for me.  So the hubby searched Craigslist and found me a 2009 Honda Civic and I LOVE it!  He had to travel a few hours to get it, but the deal was way too good to pass up.  We found a guy to tint the windows for an awesome deal too.  Here's the new ride without the tinted windows...

Other than that, there have been some museum trips and really a lot of cuteness.  Peyton talks all.the.time.  I swear she learns a new paragraph (we're way past one new word daily) everyday.  Oh and next week we have Parent's Night for preschool, I can't believe it!  She'll start right after Labor Day!

Last but not least, T minus 9 days until my birthday festivities begin!  My birthday is September 11th (yes I know) and it's a pretty big one this year so I'm letting myself celebrate for the ENTIRE month of September.  We're starting it off right with my Dirty 30 celebration in Myrtle Beach at the end of this month...4 couples...NO kids...3 days...loads of fun!  Then my amazing husband bought tickets to the Ben Folds Five concert for me later in September, I'm so pumped!