I've been such a horrible blogger lately and, yes, I start every post with this same phrase! The truth is, I don't give myself much time to update my blog anymore. Running after my almost 3 year old takes most of my time and energy...throw in a full time job, run of the mill house chores, any amount of quality time I can get with the hubby and I rarely feel like writing about anything by the time 8pm rolls around (or 8:30 by the time Peyton has called me back in her room 20 times to do random things so she doesn't have to fall asleep).
Either way, Christmas has come and gone...unfortunately so have my decorations :( I was so sad to take them all down. My house feels so boring now. But we did have an amazing Christmas and I suppose it's finally time to post some pictures of my child being ridiculously spoiled!
Christmas Eve day my Dad came over and hooked Peyton up with everything "Tangled" that they make. She acquired a new Rapunzel doll with color changing hair, a Rapunzel dress with a tiara and jewelry to go with it of course, Tangled paint book and a massive Disney princess sticker book since 5 stickers books are NEVER enough in our house...and I'm 100% serious about that, the kid has an obsession.
Christmas Eve was the annual Killette Family Oyster Roast. I didn't take any pictures that night, but we had a good time as always! When we got home we put out the cookies we made for Santa and milk, after tasting them both to make sure they weren't bad. Then we went outside and sprinkled our reindeer food in the grass.
Christmas morning we raced out (after making Peyton lay in our bed a good hour after she woke up) to see what Santa had brought. Out of everything, our favorite gift was a beautiful piece of furniture my sweet husband MADE for her. He built a wardrobe for her dress up clothes, shoes and accessories so they're not scattered randomly throughout the house and boy did he do it right. He installed lighting and a mirror, it's pretty bad ass if I do say so myself! We filled it with new stuff and put her old stuff in later. She loved it almost as much as we did...but not quite as much as her new Leap Pad, or "HER tablet" as she calls it. Later my in-laws came over and I cooked breakfast and we had more gifts. By this point my house looked like Disney Princess had vomited everywhere!
After a MUCH needed nap (sweet girl definitely got overwhelmed and over exhausted) we walked over to my Nana's house for one more round of presents and dinner. She slept like a log Christmas night and Wednesday morning we went to Nonnie and Papa's for Christmas with them.
Despite a few (highly anticipated) meltdown's it was a fantastic Christmas!
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