It's been a while since my last post, life has been a little crazy. You may remember me asking for prayers for my Grandma's surgery. Well thankfully her surgery went well, but recovery has been a very slow process.
I stayed home with Peyton Monday and Tuesday so my parents could devote all of their time to being at the hospital. Thankfully my Dad stepped up and kept Peyton the rest of the week so I could get back to work. I was able to go to the hospital a few times during the week and of course deliver several beautiful cards Peyton made for Nana. As of today, she's still in the hospital. We're hoping she'll get to go home (or rehab) by tomorrow. She's been getting up and walking some and my Mom said she fixed her hair and was in her robe sitting up yesterday...great news. The main issue is that she's just not eating like she needs to be. Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated!
Besides all of that, we had a great weekend. Edwin went to the gun and knife show with friends all day Saturday, so Peyton and I had a girls day. We ended up staying outside from the time she woke from her nap at 3pm until we couldn't see anymore around 5:30pm.
Sunday I went to church, and Edwin stayed home with Peyton who was recovering from a cold. A few of the girls from church and I went to lunch and then to see Breaking Dawn Pt was absolutely wonderful, I'm ready to see it again! It was so nice to have some much needed girl time. I came home, fixed a green bean casserole, and we headed to our small group's Thanksgiving dinner. The family that hosted last night basically has a farm in their back yard...Peyton was in Heaven. She got to see sheep, donkey's, a dog, and some kittens. Not to mention she completely made herself at home in their play room...she played hard! By the time we got home she was out like a light, and was still asleep when I left for work this morning.
Speaking of kittens...
Almost 2 weeks ago, this adorable cat showed up at our house. She's small, around a year old if I had to guess, and was clearly and indoor pet at one time. I ignored her for a few days, until I just couldn't stand it any longer. I put some food out for her and the poor thing sucked the entire bowl down in a matter of minutes. It was all over after that. Edwin swore we would NOT keep the cat, but the cat had other plans. So after 2 weeks of asking everyone on our road if they lost a cat and posting it on the SPCA's website, it looks like we have a new pet (because we didn't have enough!). I'm making an appt with the SPCA to get her spayed and her necessary shots so she can safely be around our other animals and Peyton. Peyton has named her Belle (after Belle in Beauty and the Beast obviously) and is in love with her. For now we leave the garage door cracked for her with her bed and food in there, but my plan is to get her inside once she's fixed and vaccinated. I know I know, we already have 2 dogs, a cat, and a toddler inside but it's going to get really cold and there are a lot of dogs that roam out where we live. Damn my bleeding heart!