Thursday, April 19, 2012

For Law Enforcement Families...

For LE families, you know there are usually conversations in our households that most people wouldn't even dream of having and it's just a day in the life for us.  This morning was no exception.  As my husband was running around getting ready for SERT training, he was looking for one of his bullet proof vests...the smaller/thinner one. 

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when Peyton ran in with a concerned look on her face and says "Dada, tiny bull vest" (translation - Dada's tiny bullet vest) while shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head back and forth (that's what she does when she can't find something).  She came back and repeated that to me every minute or so while she "helped" her Daddy find his vest. 

Seriously, what 23 month old talks about bullet proof vests?! 

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