You have 2 options at drop off/pick up. You can use the carpool system where they get your child out of the car and take them in or walk them in. We really want to utilize the carpool system just because it helps so much with independence, but we decided walking her in for the first day would be best. My Mom walked her in, she hung up her bookbag, gave a kiss and hug and went in to play....that was it. No drama, no tears, nothing. My Mom went through the carpool line to pick her up and they said she did great.
I was a little nervous about day #2 since she knew what to expect. My Mom did carpool drop off this morning, but Peyton didn't want the Director to get her out of the car. She wanted Nonnie to do it. Luckily there were no cars behind them so my Mom got her out, then she went right in with the Director with no problem. She had some tears when my Mom picked her up only because she didn't want the Director to hold her hand when she walked her out, but she decided she was fine with her carrying her. The Director said she had a great day again and had zero tears!
I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me. I just pray this continues over the next few weeks as she gets in to a routine!
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