Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Terrible" Two's

It's been almost a week since I last posted.  I've just been so busy!  Work was insane last week, the hubby was on his week of evenings/nights, I've been packing for mine and Peyton's beach trip, and taking care of a sick husband.  Whew, I'm tired! 

I learned something interesting this weekend.  The "terrible two's" (I hate that phrase by the way)  actually begin in the 2nd year of life...not after the 2nd birthday.  So it technically begins not long after the 1st birthday.  How did I learn this you may ask?  Duh, Google of course.  And why did I Google this information?  Because my child has definitely entered that phase. 

Don't get me wrong, she's a happy wonderful child 80-90% of the time....but the other 20-10% has really kicked up over the past week or so.  Diaper changes have become exhausting (although I MAY have found the answer to that issue!), she has started trying to climb out of shopping carts when we go places, but mostly it's just frustration that she can't tell me what she wants all the time.  She throws awesome tantrums, I swear they come pre-wired to know exactly how to throw one!  If I try to pick her up, she goes spaghetti limp on me.  If I'm holding her, she arches her back and tightens up.  I've gotten really good at just ignoring her, and she's done in 30 seconds or so.  Thankfully we haven't had any public tantrums yet.  I  can usually preoccupy her when we're out and feel one about to come on. 

It's safe to say I have a strong-willed child.  But I must admit, I love that about her the majority of the time.  I hope she keeps that personality as she gets older and continues to fight for what she wants.  She's my little firecracker.  She never ceases to amaze me...or wear me out!  I just have to prep myself for yet another new stage of toddler hood!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Weekend in Pictures (Mostly)

We had a great weekend, despite the fact Edwin had to work Friday night unexpectedly.  That's never fun to have a night taken away from us, but it is what it is. 

We spent most of our time playing here...

And in here....

Peyton loves her new playhouse....

Daddy got the hand-me-down new swing set assembled....

She loves it...

We spent pretty much the entire weekend outside

Yes she's holding a beer bottle...yes it's, not because she drank it

I hit up the Kids Exchange and OWNED it!  I pretty much have Peyton's fall/winter wardrobe taken care of now!

Edwin and I even got a date night and went to eat at one of our favorites...

Then went to see this hilarious movie....

Then the hubby and I spent Sunday night sitting out on the patio drinking some of these....

The perfect end to an awesome weekend....that went by way too fast!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tattoo Talk

For those of you that don't know me, I love tattoos.  I never cared much about them before I married my husband.  I always admired other women with tattoos and commented on theirs (when they looked good, because lets face it...there are some BAD tattoos out there), but never seriously thought about getting one.  My big rebellion was getting my tongue pierced when I turned 18...and I kept that sucker for 4 years!  I never did the belly ring, they're not my thing and I have a huge fear of snagging it on my clothes.  Little nose rings I always thought were cute, but I don't really think I have the nose for it.

Either way, when I married Edwin he only had 1 tattoo.  On our 1 year anniversary he decided to get another, and I decided to get my first.  He drew up a cute design for me and I got it on my lower back...yes I have a "tramp stamp", and NO I don't regret it in the least.  It's simple and basic, but it will always remind me of my  husband (without having his name on me...I'm not down with that).  They say after your first tattoo you're hooked, and damn if that isn't true.  Next I got one on my foot that matches one Edwin got on his inner arm, then I got one on my inner wrist.  I have to say, I like the surprised look I get from people when they notice I have tattooS, it always makes me giggle.  Don't let the skinny jeans and Coach bag fool you! 

Edwin has since gotten a few and will be going in August to get his 1/2 sleeve.  He may as well, he has several on that one arm as it is.   With all this talk about tattoos and watching NY Ink constantly, I've gotten the bug again and I'm thinking I want just one more.  I've been toying with the idea to get something that has to do with Peyton since she was born, but I've finally made the decision to do it.  I didn't want to get her name, so I really had to do some hunting to decide what I wanted.  I think I've finally got it decided, but I'm not going to reveal anything just yet.  I will say it's going on the back of my  neck and this will be my LAST...I'm pretty sure at least! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Poop, Poop, and More Poop

Saturday morning was...well I don't even know where to begin!  Edwin worked Friday night, so he was sleeping when Peyton and I got up.  We went in to our normal routine of morning cartoons and breakfast.  Instead of her usual waffles, pancakes, or cereal I decided to give her this Gerber apple oatmeal breakfast I had bought.  She loved it, but decided it was also great hair therapy.  Needless to say we had an unplanned bath that morning.  I was fine with that, Peyton loves her baths and it gives me time to just relax.  Then the s$@& hit the fan...literally. 

Peyton wanted to keep standing up in the tub and I told her if she did it again, she was getting out.  She did it again, so I got her out of the tub which prompted an awesome melt down.  She calmed down and I realized I needed to open a new box of diapers before I could change her.  She was wrapped in her towel and I sat her down next to her music table.  She stood up to play with her table and I literally had not had my back to her more than 30 seconds when she started crying hysterically.  I turned around and there was my adorable naked baby covered in green poop!  She had pooped and then stepped in it, it.was.everywhere! 

It was one of those situations where I had no idea how to even start the clean up process.  Overwhelmed, I ran into the bedroom and woke my poor husband up by yelling "I need your help NOW".  When he ran in to her bedroom, all he could say was "Oh my God, what the hell???".  Poor thing had poop from her knees down, poop stains all over our cream carpet, and she was so incredibly upset.  Luckily I hadn't drained the tub yet, so Edwin took Peyton and cleaned her off while I tackled the carpet.  We were also lucky that it was solid and not a runny one (for those that don't have kids, sorry but this is common discussion between Moms!). 

Pretty much all the stains are gone, I need to do a little more work this afternoon when I get home.  Boy was that stressful, but at least I have a good story to tell!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Our 4th of July weekend was wonderful, and I hope yours was as well!  We stayed around home since Edwin was on call, and somehow he actually didn't get called out the entire weekend! 

We went over and enjoyed our neighbor's swimming pool several times while they were on vacation.  My little water baby loved it, which was no surprise to anyone. 

Friday night Edwin worked on a car he's remodeling while I sat on the patio with my parents and consumed an entire bottle of Merlot...that was a fun night.  Sunday a friend of ours had us over for an awesome seafood bake, so we were able to have an evening out while Nonnie and PaPa watched Peyton. 

I must say though, the highlight of the weekend for me was our first trip to Marbles Museum.  I see why everyone takes their kids all the time now!  You really can't beat this place for only $5 a person.  We picked the perfect time to go, 9am right as the doors opened.  We had the downstairs to ourselves for the most part and just as it was getting crowded, we headed upstairs and had that to ourselves as well.  Peyton grinned from ear to ear the ENTIRE time we were there.  It was so nice to go somewhere that's safe for kids to roam around.  You don't have to say "no, come back" or "no sweetie, don't touch that".  It's a total free-for-all and definitely an awesome place for toddlers. 

She ran and played so hard at Marbles, she crashed when we got home and slept for 2 hours.  Mommy even got a good hour long nap in.  That evening my parents came over and we grilled out, Peyton played in her little swimming pool for what seemed like hours.  That child will stay in a pool or bathtub all day if you let her! 

All in all it was the perfect 4th of July at home!  Of course I HAVE to share some pictures!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th!

We won't be going of town this year because the hubby is on call (oh the joys), but we plan on having lots of fun!  Lots of family time, swimming (thanks to our awesome neighbors that are letting us use their pool while they're gone), homemade ice cream, cooking out, beer, and Peyton's first trip to Marbles Museum!  I can't wait! 

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th!