Friday, February 17, 2012

Fur Baby Friday

Today I'm linking up with Mrs. Monologues for

I'm sad to admit that my sweet fur babies have fallen to the wayside ever since Peyton was born, but it doesn't mean I don't love them as much as ever....I just have to spread my love a little more! 
Today I'm dedicating this post to Otis and Matty. 
Marshmallow and Belle, I'll get you guys next time!

Matty is by far the most tolerant, gentle dog I've ever known. 
She puts up with this on a daily basis...

My sweet pug Otis Lee, well he's one of a kind. 
He's a wild child and you'd never know he was 9 years old!

Otis Lee and Matty Mae....our first 2 babies!


  1. Love them! Loving the rolls on Otis, and I love seeing how sweet Matty is with Peyton! Thank you so much for linking up.

  2. Thanks for the advice on the Angelcare Monitor! And I'm loving your furbabies :)
