Friday, February 10, 2012

Six Years Ago...

Six years ago today, my husband asked me to be his wife.  Some days I'm sure he wonders if he made the right decision, although he swears he did! 

We were living in Greenville at the time and he took me out to eat in New Bern.  Edwin was in BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) at the time, and that night was the only night we were able to celebrate our Valentine's Day.  We went to the Harvey Mansion right on the waterfront.  He had called a few days before and requested one of the private rooms. He was so nervous, it was adorable.

Then this guy...

Asked this girl...

To be his wife, with this ring..
Obviously I said "YES"!!  
I may or may not have mentioned several hundred times once or twice that I had always wanted a Princess cut solitaire with a white gold band.

It's hard to believe we've gone from this

To this

I wouldn't change a thing!


  1. How sweet! What a beautiful family you guys have now =)

  2. That is so sweet!! :) Congrats! Also, yay for fellow ECU & Duke fans!! :)
