Thursday, December 30, 2010

Here's To You 2010

2010 has undoubtedly been the greatest year of my life!  I started out the year pregnant, excited, and unsure about where my life would go...and ended it with an almost 8 month old angel of a daughter that is my ENTIRE world.  We were able to sell our old house and move into a new larger home with more land, cut and got rid of some bills and payments, and made some wonderful new friendships that I'm sure will last for years to come.  Words can't even begin to describe how blessed I feel to have the life I have. 

Not long ago I also posted about a career dilemma.  I decided to turn the job down and the NEXT day I was called for an interview and was just contacted about another possible one.  What an amazing way to start out 2011 huh?!  It just goes to show you that God won't lead you down the wrong path and it pays to follow your heart! 

We don't have any super crazy New Years Eve plans this year, we just plan on spending it as a family (thankfully Edwin is off this year).  Once the munchkin is asleep we're going to light up our new fire pit (thanks Mom and Dad) on the patio with some beverages and the baby monitor and just relax....oh and smores will be involved! 

Thanks to all (4) of you that actually read my blog, I hope you all have a wonderful New Years!  Bring it on 2011!

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