Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!  We had a great weekend and enjoyed the warm weather. 
Friday night Edwin and I were able to go out and have a date night.  It was nothing special, just out to dinner and some shopping...but it was much needed!

Saturday we spent most of the afternoon out and about running errands and browsing through stores.  We did a little yard work later that afternoon and got some good play time in with Peyton.

Sunday morning we gave Peyton her Easter basket and then went to church.  Peyton was having serious meltdown issues and I seriously debated going to church.  She's having a really bad time with a few teeth that are trying to cut through and has been very frustrated with her runny nose.  I decided she may need to get out of the house and she did great at church.  When we got home we went over to my parents house and put Peyton down for her nap.  While she slept we ate Easter lunch with my parents and my Grandma, and when she woke up she enjoyed her own Easter lunch and opened her Easter basket.  We even got to splash in her pool a little yesterday evening since it was so warm!

I can't even say that I dreaded the work week starting because it's going to be a short week for me.  We head to the beach Friday morning for 3 days and I can't wait!

I'm not sure why her hair looks so blonde in this pic, I guess it was the lighting? 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pool pic! Isn't everything getting so much fun now that our girls are really getting into it! I can't imagine what Christmas will be like!!
