Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rice Cereal Anyone?!

Yesterday we decided to try Peyton on some rice cereal from a bowl!  Her 4 month appointment is in a few days, so we figured why not go ahead and try it out.  She use to have rice cereal in her bedtime bottle for her reflux (which we stopped about a month ago), so we knew she didn't have any allergies to it.  Plus she's hit all the "milestones" they suggest....teething, doubled birth weigh, can sit with little support, paying attention to us when we eat (she LOVES watching us eat). 

When we first stuck the spoon up to her mouth, she shot us a look like "what the heck do you want me to do with that"?!  But by the last few spoonfuls she seemed to actually look forward to it!  Of course, it mostly ended up on her bib, neck, face, hands, etc.... and unfortunately we made the decision to try this AFTER her bath (not my brightest moment).  She also started grabbing the spoon out of Daddy's hand and trying to do it herself.  That didn't go too well, but she liked it!

Here are a few pics I was able to get during the fun...

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