Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finally All Moved

Well it's been a week since I last blogged, and what a week it's been!  Last week was spent packing...packing...and packing.  We took a break on Thursday to eat Thanksgiving lunch with my in-laws, then got right back to it.  Friday we planned on relaxing a little, but after Peyton woke from her 1st nap we went over to the new house so Edwin could help clearing that house out.  We ended up staying over there the rest of the afternoon, came home and threw the last of our stuff in boxes after Peyton went to bed. 

Saturday the real chaos started!  Edwin and I loaded down our SUV and my parents Tahoe with all of our boxes and clothes Friday night, so when we all were up Saturday morning we were ready to roll.  We headed to the new house around 7am to start some massive cleaning.  THANKFULLY my parents designated that entire day to helping us.  We got most of the cleaning knocked out and all of our boxes, clothes, and smaller furniture moved in the house.  I helped as much as I could, but Peyton is so attached at my hip these days it was a little difficult to get away and do anything.  I was able to put her down for both naps next door at my parents house and my Mom stayed with her so I could get some stuff done.We finally headed home for our last night there!

Edwin and I were so exhausted but excited Saturday night, we could barely sleep.  It was like Christmas Eve and we were 6 years old!  Sunday was the "big" moving day.  A friend of ours was coming to help Edwin with the heavy lifting, as well as his parents.  My parents had done so much the day before and had church obligations, so we let them off the hook Sunday!  I stayed at my parents house while Peyton napped over there and my parents were at church.  When she woke up we walked over to the new place and I basically gave up any hope of getting anything done.  As I mentioned before, Peyton is insanely attached to me these days.  I've noticed it gets worse when she's cutting a tooth (which she is currently doing).  She wouldn't let my MIL take her for more than 5 mins at a time before she started screaming for me.  As long as I was with her, she was as happy as could be.  I got some cleaning and organizing done on and off while she played in her exersaucer.  I also utilized the heck out of my baby carrier, she has really started to love that thing.  Either way, 99% of the stuff from the old house was moved over by the end of Sunday and in its designated room.  We stopped for the day around 5pm to go over and eat Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandma's.  We came back and spent our first night in the new house.  I was amazed by how "at home" I felt from the beginning.  Usually it takes me time to settle in when I move, but it just feels like home here.  We were all so exhausted, we crashed early.  Peyton slept through the entire night and didn't wake until 7am!  Of course Edwin and I were wide awake by 5:45am...figures. 

We both took time off this week to unpack, organize, and get situated.  We've been treating this week like any other work week, and have taken Peyton to my Mom's at normal time each day.  I wouldn't get a thing done if she were home with me!  Plus I didn't want to throw her schedule off too much.  After working constantly for 2 days, I have every box unpacked AND my Christmas decorations up...at least the ones I decided to put up this year.  I have one more day off to finish up the last few things we have left to do.  I'll post a few pictures at the end.  My only issue with the house is the super busy wallpaper in the hall bath...sooo not my taste!  That will be painted at some point, but we're in no rush. 

We're so incredibly happy here, I love everything about the house.  I love the layout, being back out in the country, and being next to my family!  I forgot how wonderful it is not to constantly hear sirens, dogs barking, traffic, and just noise in general.  Now I have to focus on getting everything ready for Edwin's birthday party/ our housewarming party in less than 2 weeks! 


  1. Gorgeous house! So happy for you guys!

  2. It is gorgeous! What a GREAT Christmas you guys are going to have!
