Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Wow, so I haven't posted in over a week...sorry about that.  Basically I've just been insanely busy at work, the hubby has been working a lot, and all I want to do when I'm home is spend time with my munchkin.  I do have some super cute new pictures, but I haven't had the time or motivation to download and post them. 

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!  I hope you all have a wonderful day today!
My morning began with an insanely cute 9 month old snuggled up next to me in my bed repeating "Mama" and giving me kiss after kiss*. 

*By the way, she started doing that several weeks ago and I've been meaning to get a video of it because it's so darn cute!  Just say "Peyton, can Mama have a kiss?" and she opens up her mouth and gives a big juicy smacker right on the lips.  It's too cute for words! 

We don't have anything huge planned for today, in fact we never go out ON Valentine's Day.  I just can't get in to the huge crowds and long waits when I can just go a day earlier.  We did get each other a gift and of course Peyton has a present waiting at home for her.  I'm picking up a special dinner (I can't reveal what it is just yet since it's a secret) for us to enjoy after Peyton goes to sleep along with some wine and a nice fire in our fire pit.  I couldn't ask for much more than that! 


  1. That sounds like a great way to spend Valentine's Day!

  2. oh how cute she gives you a kiss! What a perfect Valentines day!!
