Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who's Ready for a Vacation?!

The past few weeks (this week especially) have taken a lot out of me.  I've been working my butt off all day, then coming home to take care of a 9 month old on my own most nights.  After she's in bed I scrounge up some dinner for myself, get some housework done, and then it's around 9pm and I'm exhausted. 

I'm so incrediby ready for our beach trip in May, I can hardly stand it! 

I'm ready to go here....

With him....

And stay here....

And eat here.....

And here...

Ocracoke Island, we'll be there soon!!!!


  1. How exciting! Is it a getaway for the two of you or is Peyton going along? I love having a countdown to a trip!!

  2. Peyton's coming with us as well as some friends of ours and their son. I can't wait to take her, Edwin and I go to Ocracoke every year. This will be her first week long trip :)
