Monday, January 30, 2012

Potty Endorsement

For those of you that have been following my blog (or my FB page) you know I've been potty training my almost 21 month old daughter, Peyton.  I've had several friends ask me what I'm using during the potty training process, and there are a few things I've found that I couldn't live without.   

I would like to add that she's doing AMAZING and we had 0 accidents all weekend.  I put her in a pull up when we went to church on Sunday (just in case), took her to the potty before we left for church, asked the nursery attendant to take her in about 45 mins, then took her after I picked her up.  She used the potty each time and had a DRY pull up when I picked her up.  She even kept it dry through her nap!

The big change for us was when we bought this potty seat (but of course we have the Disney princess potty seat).  It even comes with a plastic hook so you can hang it from the tank of your toilet when you're done using it.  Suddenly we didn't have to make her potty anymore, she wanted to use the big potty...all the time!  I will suggest buying one with handles like this one.  The handles made Peyton feel more secure in the beginning. 
  I also bought her this to put under the toilet so she can touch and so she can wash her hands...

But even better is this nifty creation!  I was wondering how to use the potty with her when we're out, and hated the idea of her sitting on a public restroom toilet or me having to hold her up the entire time.  Then I found this at Babies R Us, and it has been wonderful!  It has 3 hinges and folds up small enough to put it in any purse or diaper bag.  It fits perfect in my Coach bag :)
 I bought a pack of these training pants.  They're just like normal underwear except there's a little padding in the crotch and rear end areas.  I put these on her when I know we're going to be playing outside or something.  They won't keep them "dry", but they're great for when they start to have an accident...a little leak before getting to the potty. 

Finally we have a pack of Pull Ups for our "just in case" times.  She sleeps in a Pull Up for her nap because she's not consistently waking up dry yet and a diaper at night for obvious reasons.  I've only used a Pull Up when she was awake once so far and that was for church.  I was scared they'd make her regress, but I tell her they're big girl panties and so far she hasn't pottied in them while awake!  We still take several bathroom trips just like we would if she had on her panties.

I know everything on here is pink, but rest assured they do come in a million different designs and colors.  We're about to do a bathroom make over in the hall/guest/Peyton's bathroom and I can't wait.  Out with the hideous wall paper and in with the gray/pink bathroom!  Stay tuned for that post..whenever we get there!

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